Breaking Up Is Hard To Do…

April 2015, By Nicole Langelier.

When you have experienced great love it can be hard to admit when that love has faded to nothing and that it’s time to let go. Breaking up is hard to do – especially if it is no fault of the object of your affections: they did nothing wrong but you can’t stand to look at them any more.

You hold on to the memories, dream of the good times and try to recreate them – but the flame and the passion that you once had has disappeared – the butterflies you once felt at the sight of your great love are long gone – gone to the point of resentment even – and that love cannot be replicated.

I’m talking to you – replica Eames Eifel Tower chair, and to you replica Tolex Stools, and yes you too replica Tom Dixon pendant light, and watch out replica Wishbone chairs – although there is still a flicker of romance between us, you may be next to show up at Aldi or Officeworks or Kmart, and when that happens we’re officially through!

Look – although I am a purist at heart and all of my designer pieces are original vintage (sourced at flea markets and consignment shops around the world at amazing prices), I am not opposed to the odd replica here and there – it is accessible design on a budget, and I am a firm believer in democratic – diplomatic – design for everyone, not just those who can afford to spend 10K on a chair.

I must say, I have grown to RESENT the people who have destroyed some design classics by modifying, cheapifying and multiplying them to the point of making me despise something I had such respect and admiration for – many beautiful pieces of modernism have been reduced to a piece of junk you can pick up for $20 at the supermarket next to the canned foods. I resent that because they have taken things I once loved dearly and now I can’t even stand to be around. The chair (or stool or sofa or light….) committed no crime, but I can’t look at it any more. It’s like when your favorite song is playing on every radio station, in every shop, every restaurant and, finally every TV commercial – and it gets to the point that your skin crawls when you hear it and you have to block your ears.

I plead to the manufacturers of these replicas – or, for the sake of accuracy – these cheap knock-offs – stop now before all great design is reduced to a piece of disposable garbage. Design is not meant to be disposable. Lets respect authenticity and allow these classic designs to maintain their dignity.

Look – it’s natural to be tempted – temped to give in to the desire to possess the thing you have lusted after for so long – but for the sake of the future of design, please choose wisely. A good replica or ‘re-issue’, when well made and true to the original design can be as nearly as satisfying as a vintage original. Some steamy flings do turn into long and meaningful relationships. I beg you though, please stay away from the cheap one-night stand of replicas. Do not feed that beast as it will pave the way for the future bastardization of so many pieces of great design.